Empowered Life Coach by Helen Mele Robinson, PhD
Hello and thank you for visiting my website and considering my services. I am an educator, researcher, published author, and Certified Coach. My educational background includes my B.A. in Psychology, Masters in Education and doctorate in Language, Literacy and Learning from Fordham University, New York. My life experience includes 35+ years as an educator and 20+ years as a college professor.
I am called Dr. Helen by parents, educators and children I work with. Do you want to discover your child or student’s natural way of approaching the world? I have developed an assessment that will allow you to better understand how your child thinks, behaves and views the world. My J.U.M.P.© assessment is available for children ages 8–16+. Younger children are asked questions verbally. Older children might prefer the written form of the questions.
I offer my coaching services for parents and teachers, to allow each individual to reflect and appreciate the unique way they approach the world. To step into the power of who they are energetically and authentically. Self-reflection is the first step when accepting the responsibility of understanding the potential of the children in your world.
Reach out to me with questions or to schedule your free 20-minute session to find out more! info@empoweredlife.coach
Mele Robinson, H. (2008, November). Emerging Computer Literacy: A Developmental Perspective. Routledge Research in Education Series. Routledge: New York. 196 pp. https://www.routledge.com/Emergent-Computer-Literacy-A-Developmental-Perspective/Robinson/p/book/9780415541244
Mele Robinson, H. & Andersen, L. (2021). Trauma-Informed Early Childhood Classrooms: A Balanced Approach to Fuel Resilience in the Child and Teacher. In K. Gonzalez & Frumkin, R. (Eds.), Trauma-Informed Classrooms: What We Say and Do Matters. Massachusetts, Brill-Sense Publishing. https://brill.com/view/book/9789004465367/BP000010.xml
Mele Robinson, H. (2019). Dynamics of Culture and Curriculum Design: Preparing Culturally Responsive Teacher Candidates in 21st Century America. In Khosrow-Pour, M., Clarke, S., Jennex, M. E., Becker, A., Anttiroiko, A-V. (Eds.), Pre-Service and In-Service Teacher Education: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (4 Volumes). Pennsylvania, IGI Global. https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/dynamics-of-culture-and-curriculum-design/215649
Mele Robinson, H. (2014). Emergent Digital Literacy and Mobile Technology: Preparing Technologically Literate Preservice Teachers through a Multisensory Approach. In D. J. Loveless, B. Griffith, M. E. Bérci, E. T. Ortlieb, P. M. Sullivan (Eds.), Academic Knowledge Construction and Multimodal Curriculum Development. Pennsylvania, IGI Global. https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/emergent-digital-literacy-and-mobile-technology/94175