We are all teachers whether you are an educator, paraprofessional, parent, instructor, work part-time or have your own business. When you are interacting with others you learn and you teach.When it comes to being the best version of yourself one approach is to see what makes you tickand how to bring those natural talents forward.
There are different tools that can be used as thefoundation for coaching sessions and Dr. Helen has chosen the CliftonStrengths34 assessment asher framework. During your initial free coaching session Dr. Helen will offer you an overviewof your CliftonStrengths 34 assessment results. During your ongoing coaching sessions, you willexplore elements of your strengths such as your dominant domains, the importance of your #5and # 1 strengths and releasing the de-energizing impact of your bottom 5 strengths. Clients willgain an appreciation for their individual, dynamic traits and create a path to live the life theyenvision.
Benefits of Understanding Your Strengths
Greater Confidence
Develop self-empowerment with a deeper understanding of how you can use your strengths to
succeed day-to-day and in your role as a teacher.
Improved Awareness
Discover an easy way to describe your unique talents and abilities to family, to friends and
colleagues using the language of strengths.
Enhanced Performance
Thrive at work, home and with friends when you use strategies for applying your strengths in
every part of your life.
Support your natural talents through discovery of your authentic way of approaching the world.
Strengths of Teachers Coaching Packages
Strengths Peak
Regularly $49.99SPECIAL PRICE FOR
Schedule a free 20-minute session to receive an introduction to strengths coaching. You will beoffered an overview of your strengths focusing in particular to your #5, #1 and #34 strengths.
🗓️ Schedule Your SessionSeize the Day Coaching Option
Regular Price: $149.99SPECIAL PRICE FOR
Think about your perfect day and together we will embark on your journey to the tomorrow youenvision. Consider ways to connect your natural abilities that energize you for your role as ateacher. Each Seize the Day coaching session is 45-minutes.
🗓️ Schedule Your SessionThe World is My Oyster
Regularly $125 X 12=$1500SPECIAL PRICE FOR
This 3-month coaching package offers the opportunity to meet weekly for 12 sessions for 60-minutes each time. Explore your talents, set intentions and delve into your unique abilities. Re-energize your path as a teacher through self-reflection.
🗓️ Schedule Your SessionStrengths in the School Setting Coaching Option
There are so many possibilities for your school…Dr. Helen offering her Discovery QuestioningSession to a group of students and getting the class to delve further into their strengths, Re-energize your path as a teacher through self-reflection.usingstrengths for a group of teachers to enhance their curriculum planning.
Email Me for InquiryReach out to Dr. Helen Mele Robinson for additional coaching options. Email contact

Learn to Succeed When Working with Others
Coaching through the lens of strengths will give you a new way to think about how you workwith others and the unique role you play in the groups you belong to. The strength domains help explain how you use your strengths to contribute and succeed when you join, create or lead at your school or program.
Stand in your Own Power of Being Uniquely You
Statistically there is no one else on the planet of 8+ million people who have their 34 strengths inyour exact order; this is verifiable proof that you are unique. With guidance from Dr. Helen, youwill explore, learn and appreciate your unique strengths and stand in your own power of beinguniquely you.
- The J.U.M.P. program was developed by Helen Mele Robinson, PhD. The processbegins with finding out what strengths you possess. For parents that means completingthe CliftonStrengths 34 assessment. For children, depending on their age, that meansscheduling and completing a Discovery Questioning Session with Dr. Helen.
- The next step in the process is reviewing your CliftonStrengths 34 assessment results andgaining a deeper understanding of your own strengths. Through strengths coaching theinsight you gain will be your foundation for connecting who you are to your role as aparent.
- Dr. Helen will review and present the child’s assessment results. Depending on thepackage purchased analysis may also include dynamics of strengths within the family.For parents working with Dr. Helen, you will apply what you have learned to your dailyroutine at home, as well as to short and long-term family goals. Feel empowered to havethe family-life you desire. It’s a win-win!